multiple versions of Office programs showing up in memory



I am running Win XP pro and Office 2003. When I check Windows task manager I
have multiple programs resident in memory but no CPU activity. I have 1,024
MB of Physical memory and 2.00 GB of virtual memory. My system slows down and
speeds up when i close these programs. It appears to keep a copy of the
program in memory every time I run the program so if I access say word excel
and access 6 times in one day 18 are in memory. Is there anyway to stop this
from occuring? I rarely turn off my computer. I can close them manually from
the task manager but this is a pain.

a a r o n _ k e m p f

if you do not specifically de-allocate your variables (set dbs =
nothing) you will have problems like this.
Rational people-- when they hear things like this, they move to ADO

Tony Toews [MVP]

Copper1696 said:
I am running Win XP pro and Office 2003. When I check Windows task manager I
have multiple programs resident in memory but no CPU activity. I have 1,024
MB of Physical memory and 2.00 GB of virtual memory. My system slows down and
speeds up when i close these programs. It appears to keep a copy of the
program in memory every time I run the program so if I access say word excel
and access 6 times in one day 18 are in memory. Is there anyway to stop this
from occuring? I rarely turn off my computer. I can close them manually from
the task manager but this is a pain.

Are you opening Word or Excel from other programs via Automation or
just by themselves? If using Automation you're not exiting Excel and
Word properly as you need to close the Excel or Word object.

The Access problems may be solved by
Access minimizes to Windows 95/NT toolbar instead of closing

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
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a a r o n _ k e m p f

WHAT.. DAO doesn't leave extra copies of MS Access open.. unless you
explicity close them and set them to nothing?

From what I remember.. if you don't close and set nothing your
variables (Something that should _NEVER_ be required in VB)
then YES you'll have an extra copy of MS Access open in your task

In fact-- I've seen a lot of MVPs agree with this statement.

So why dont' you shut the **** up you stupid fucking canadian?
So why dont' you shut the **** up you stupid fucking canadian?
So why dont' you shut the **** up you stupid fucking canadian?

a a r o n _ k e m p f

you just said 'oh it has nothing to do with ADO' and then you pointed
out the EXACT JET BUG I was referring to


Rational people-- when they see a piece of shit library that makes
them de-instantiate variables-- they move up to a real library like

Bugs: Access minimizes to Windows 95/NT toolbar instead of closing
Michael Kaplan

(Q) Whenever I try to close Access, it minimizes itself to the
taskbar instead of closing. What's causing this to happen?

(A) This happens whenever you don't destroy DAO references that you
might have set up through code. So while other refs (like forms) are
good programming practice to clean up, closing DAO references will
solve this problem.
VBA is documented as being a good policeman in closing down object
references when the variable that contains them goes out of scope.
When an OLE Server is properly designed, its AddRef and Release counts
should make sure that it knows exactly how many people are referencing
it at all times. HOWEVER, due to the complex interactions of VBA, Jet,
DAO, and Access, there are times, especially in complicated DAO code
involving transactions, that an object pointer goes out of scope
without DAO being informed of its release. This orphan pointer is a
BUG but it is (as you might imagine) a very hard bug to find and track
down. Six such bugs were fixed before Access 97 shipped and at least
two were identified after that (both involve using RecordsetClones and
both have no workarounds other than not using the clone).
The source of the bug is that Access, which contains that handy
DBEngine reference you have been using (and which uses it itself for
various things, including wizards and recordsetclones), will not shut
down while there are more calls to AddRef on DAO objects than
Release.There are two workarounds:

1) Always shut down explicitly everything you open. This means in
the DAO case that you should close it if you opened it, then set it to
Nothing. As a rule you should not close what you did not open (there
are other bugs related to that which are beyond the scope of
discussion here), but everything should be set to nothing. For
set myRS = Currentdb.OpenRecord("SomeTable",dbOpenDynaset)
'.... plenty of good stuff here
set myRS=Nothing

The reason this often fixes the problem is that by changing the order
of when things are freed you often find that the conflicts go away,
and VBA implicit freeing of object pointers does not error when it
fails, it just assumes life is hunky-dorry.

2) Make your own DBEngine and just stop using the Access one. You
can do this by either calling CreateObject on DAO.DBEngine.35 or by
dimming a DBEngine variable like: Dim dbe as New PrivDBEngine This
DBEngine will not be checked by Access before it shuts down to see if
it still in use.


Tony Toews said:
Are you opening Word or Excel from other programs via Automation or
just by themselves? If using Automation you're not exiting Excel and
Word properly as you need to close the Excel or Word object.

The Access problems may be solved by
Access minimizes to Windows 95/NT toolbar instead of closing

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -
I am opening them from shortcuts on the taskbar or from the programs menu,
either way the effect is the same multiple copies in memory. This is not
restricted to office programs as quicken does it too. As far as AArons
comments I wouldn't know how to set dbs=nothing nor move to ADO as I dont
know what either one is or what to do with them. As far as using Access, I
have one database file that I use on a regular basis, the file contains a
dozen tables and about twice as may forms. I use subforms and buttons to call
other forms. In only one case do I call a program, which is garmins Mapsource
which for some reason does not appear multiple times. I have no links to Word
or Excel documents. Could this be a Windows rather than office issue?


I don't understand what you are getting at. What Variables? and how do I set
dbs=nothing and by the way what is dbs? Also what is ADO?

Tony Toews [MVP]

Copper1696 said:
I am opening them from shortcuts on the taskbar or from the programs menu,
either way the effect is the same multiple copies in memory. This is not
restricted to office programs as quicken does it too.

I can only make the suggestion as far as Access goes then. I have no
idea about the other programs.
comments I wouldn't know how to set dbs=nothing nor move to ADO as I dont
know what either one is or what to do with them.

Aaron Kempf is monomaniacal. Although I must admit that his usual
response involves ADPs and SQL Server so his response is a bit out of
character. His suggestions bear little resemblance to the original
posters questions.
As far as using Access, I
have one database file that I use on a regular basis, the file contains a
dozen tables and about twice as may forms. I use subforms and buttons to call
other forms.

Well, go through the link I suggested to see if that at least solves
your Access problem.
In only one case do I call a program, which is garmins Mapsource
which for some reason does not appear multiple times. I have no links to Word
or Excel documents. Could this be a Windows rather than office issue?

Given that it involves Quicken as well as Word and Excel yes I suspect
this is more of a Windows problem. Trouble is this could be a tough
one to track down. Very tough indeed. If you are going to ask
questions in a Windows newsgroup/forum I would suggest adding your
response to my questions to show that you aren't using Automation.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

aaron.kempf is a robot

It has been determined that the message below was generated
programmatically, by a program robot ("bot") which also allows manual
intervention. This robot was created by a person or persons deliberately
trying to interfere with users of the Microsoft Access database software, and
uses the name of an actual person. As it is not possible to block posting by
this "bot", we post these cautions lest you be misled into taking the posts
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