Multiple versions of word and corrupt files



We have an issue where documents have been created in Word XP or 2003 and
when they are opened by an earlier version of Word (2000 or XP) the document

I have scoured the KB articles and it appears that the problem is Word
trying to locate a template that doesn't exist. I believe this can be
resolved by going into each document, and setting "Disable features
introduced after Word 97" then saving and closing the file.

I have tested this and it seems to fix it, HOWEVER, we have over 600
documents that we will need to check to ensure this setting is applied.

Is there anyway that we can automate this? e.g. run a macro against all the
files in a folder in Windows Explorer.

One last note, in case relevant - the majority of the files are set as read
only and some are protected forms which could possibly cause some problems
with a macro?

I'm sure that someone else must have come across this before???

Any assistance is GREATLY APPRECIATED.

Thank you


Beth Melton

This doesn't necessarily have to do with saving the document with
features introduced after Word 97 enabled but rather Word modified the
document template after you opened and saved the document.

This is a bit of an issue when the document template is no longer
available but a few workarounds can be found in this article:

Note it does contain a macro you can use to loop through all documents
in a folder, however those that are read only and are protected for
forms could be an issue. You may want to ask about this in one of the
Word VBA newsgroups - perhaps one of the gurus there could help modify
the code.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:


Thanks Beth.

I have read this article and had tried the looping macro previously without

I'll see how I go with a post to the VBA Newsgroup.

Thanks for the suggestions.


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