Why multiple instances of word are generated even after
using the following code:
On error resume next
set wordapp=getobject(,"word.application")
if wordapp is nothing then
set wordapp=createobject("word.application")
end if
I believe this code when executed should check whether
word is already opened or not and if opened use the
current instance or else create a new instance.
But still i'm getting multiple instances. And I think this
happens only with windows 98 and office 97.
Please show me a way out.
Why multiple instances of word are generated even after
using the following code:
On error resume next
set wordapp=getobject(,"word.application")
if wordapp is nothing then
set wordapp=createobject("word.application")
end if
I believe this code when executed should check whether
word is already opened or not and if opened use the
current instance or else create a new instance.
But still i'm getting multiple instances. And I think this
happens only with windows 98 and office 97.
Please show me a way out.