Multiple worksheets



The following is a sample of the main worksheet. What I want to do is "if"
column A = Womens Team, to move that block of information to the "Womens
Team" worksheet, etc. (also making sure that all 5 rows go without the data
entry person having to possibly block each multiple line team). The team
entries would never be more than 6 lines, and obviously the "singles" entry
would always be one line. I am just trying to simplify someone having to
type information into multiple worksheets, instead put it all into one and
have Excel automatically put the information in the correct corresponding
worksheet. I haven't worked with Excel for many years and definitely am not
used to the 2007 version I now have.

Event Team FName LName Rank
Womens Team Jimmy's Betty B B
Cindy K B
Pam B B
Wendy L B
Dani T B

Mixed Scotch YouTwo Betty B B
cindy k B
Open Singles JustMe Mark Z A

Womens Singles Or Me Betty B B


a possible solution is using Pivot tables and a page field


Cheers -

Firefox 3.5.3 is as slow as possible !

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