Multiplication of a cell and a number


Bobby Miller

I am a rusty excel user. I am trying to multiply a cell (H1) with a value of
50.3 times 3.28083.

I entered =sum(H1*3.28083) and get an error.

What can I do to make the formula recognize the 50.3 in cell H1?

David Biddulph

You don't need the SUM(). As others have said, =H1*3.28083 will do, but in
either case you shouldn't be getting an error. If you want help in a group
like this it's always as well to give a reasonably full report of the
problem, so please tell us *what* error message you got. If the error
message is #VALUE!, then the likelihood is that instead of a number in H1
you've got text. =ISNUMBER(H1) and =ISTEXT(H1) will help to confirm that.
It must be a fairly severe text problem, because with simple text that looks
like a number, Excel will usually cope with the multiplication. Change the
text to a number, so that the cell contains just 50.3, and try again.

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