Yes, you have to use pointers.
In the code which you have you create a pointer which points to the first
document, the ActiveDocument.
Then you open up the second document and then SET a pointer to that one
and then all you do is to reference each document in turn by the object
pointers, as in this example below.
This example counts sum of the bookmarks in the active document and also
in another document which it will open itself.
It's not a perfect example, but it may give you an idea what is going on.
Again, may I refer you to my web site?
Sub CountBookmarks
Dim oDocument1 as Document
Dim oDocument2 as Document
dim nBookmarks1 as Long
dim nBookmarks2 as Long
Set oDocument1 = ActiveDocument
Set oDocument2 = Documents.Open ("...")
nBookmarks1 = oDocument1.Bookmarks.Count
nBookmarks2 = oDocument2.Bookmarks.Count
oDocument2.Close wdDoNoSaveChanges
MsgBox "These documents have a total of " & str$(nBookmarks1 +
nBookmarks2) & " bookmarks.", vbOKOnly, "Bookmark Counter"
End Sub