Multiplying Values only less than 1.5


Amanda Kenner


I have a column of cells that are using if() and vlookup() to pul
numbers from elsewhere. I need excel to, in a separate cell, multipl
all of the values from these cells that are less than 1.5. But some o
the values are greater than 1.5, and I need those not to be a part o
the multiplication. Any help would be appreciated.



Amanda Kenner said:
I have a column of cells that are using if() and vlookup() to pull
numbers from elsewhere. I need excel to, in a separate cell, multiply
all of the values from these cells that are less than 1.5. But some of
the values are greater than 1.5, and I need those not to be a part of
the multiplication.

When you have a question like this, it is always expeditious to provide
concrete examples of the formulas, at the very least. Even better: upload
an example Excel file to a file-sharing website and post its uRL.
(ExcelBanter might allow you to attach the Excel file. I don't know.)

Generally, if the result of the IF/VLOOKUP expression is in A1, then in B1,
you might write:


But the devil is in the details. For example, what to do if it is empty or
the null string ("")? And what to do if A1 is __equal_to__ 1.5? Finally,
what about values in A1 that __look_like__ they are 1.5 due to formatting,
but in fact, they are less than 1.5 (e.g. 1.49)?

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