Multiselect Boxes



Hi All

I have a form setup with a multiselect box in it, and to
determine which bits have been selected I am using
multiselectbox.selected(listnumber) so effectively I loop
through the list and ask eash member if it is selected.

Unfortunately this does not seem to be working??

Is there something obvious that I am missing?

Code fragment :

for x = 0 to listcount
if listbox.selected(x) then
<do stuff>
end if
next x

Thanks heaps

Tom Ogilvy

Assume your listbox is named Listbox1 and this code is in the Userform code

Dim sStr as String
Dim x as Long
for x = 0 to Listbox1.listcount - 1
if listbox1.selected(x) then
sStr = sStr & listbox1.list(x) & vbNewline
end if
next x
msgbox sStr

since the list is zero based, you need to loop to 1 less than listcount.

Vasant Nanavati

Hi Jase:

A few errors in your syntax, corrected below:

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(i) Then
Debug.Print ListBox1.List(i)
End If
Next i



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