I have a form with several textboxes, comboboxes and multiselect listboxes.
I would like to change the backcolor of each without changing the value in
each. A simple statement like:
Me.textbox1.backcolor = VbRed changes the backcolor of textboxes without
changing the textbox.value
Me.combobox1.backcolor = VbRed changes the backcolor of comboxes without
changing the combobox.value
However, Me.listbox1.backcolor = VbRed changes the backcolor of multiselect
listboxes but also resets the listbox1 to no selections.
Does anyone know a way to change the color of a multiselect listbox and keep
its selections without a lot of code to remember the array settings?
I would like to change the backcolor of each without changing the value in
each. A simple statement like:
Me.textbox1.backcolor = VbRed changes the backcolor of textboxes without
changing the textbox.value
Me.combobox1.backcolor = VbRed changes the backcolor of comboxes without
changing the combobox.value
However, Me.listbox1.backcolor = VbRed changes the backcolor of multiselect
listboxes but also resets the listbox1 to no selections.
Does anyone know a way to change the color of a multiselect listbox and keep
its selections without a lot of code to remember the array settings?