Happy Monday,
I referenced an article (210194) in Knowledge Base: How
to Create A Multiuser Custom Counter, it was running
perfect. Until this Morning, after I split the application
to Front end & Back end, the counter table when open by
two users the same time, it created duplicated value. This
is how it open the counter table:
rs.Open "CounterTable", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
how can I solve the conflict? or how to take care this in
the error routine?
Thanks for your input.
I referenced an article (210194) in Knowledge Base: How
to Create A Multiuser Custom Counter, it was running
perfect. Until this Morning, after I split the application
to Front end & Back end, the counter table when open by
two users the same time, it created duplicated value. This
is how it open the counter table:
rs.Open "CounterTable", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
how can I solve the conflict? or how to take care this in
the error routine?
Thanks for your input.