Multivalue field problem -- no checkbox


Steve Maser

Straight up -- I know very little about Access (I use other DB programs

User showed me that Access 2007 allows for "multivalued fields" (fairly
nifty, actually...)

An example of what to expect to set up for that is here:

User can *not* get the wizard on his database to show the "Allow
Multiple Values" checkbox in his tables for any field (new or

User *can* download one of the stock templates from Microsoft and it
works as expected.

Anybody have any suggestions as to what to look at in the user's
database design that might preclude this option from working?

It's possible the database was an Access 2003 database and he's now
using Access 2007, so if there was a file conversion, I'm unaware of


- Steve

Clifford Bass

Hi Steve,

I think your query at the end may be the answer. If he is using a 2003
format or earlier database (ends in .mdb), even though he is using Access
2007, it will not allow for multi-valued fields. In which case he should
convert the database to the 2007 format (ends in .accdb).

Hope this helps,

Clifford Bass

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