Multple Tables Form and Combo Box



Hi Group

I am revisiting this problem using a different illustration. I created a Room Form based on four tables. Building related to Floor related to Room related to Dept Assignment tables. All in a 1 to Many relationship. On the Main Room Form I want to add a new room record. The logic of this that when someone adds a new room they will pick the building, then the floor, add the room and any detail associated with the room, and then any departments assigned to the room

I would like use (a combo box) for the buildings that then filters for the floors in the next combo box of that particular building. The particular Floors PK has its FK equivalent in the Room table

I have been running into the updatable query problem because of multiple tables in the query. I realize that I can't add a room unless I have floor first so how can I get my Room Form to know what the correct Floor is by picking the Building and Floor as I described above

I know I am close but I am just stuck



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