music stops



I have inserted an mp3 file into the first slide of my show. I want this
track to play throughout the show. The slide show will finish before the
track. I would like my show to stay on the last slide and the track to
finish. Right now the track plays through the whole show, but when it gets to
the last slide, the track stops even if it isn't done.
I have gone into Effect Options and Start Playing is set to From Beginning
and Stop Playing is set to After 999 slides. I only have 36 slides. Even with
this set, the track stops right after the last slide. What am I missing ? I
would appreciate any help.
Thank you,


Have you got an auto transition on the last slide? If so change this to "on
click" or a suitably long time.


Trish...thank you...thank you...thank you. I did have a transition on my last
slide that had followed through from the rest of thte slide show. I changed
it to a time long enough to allow the track to finish. It now works just as I
Thank you,

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