Must Answer Data Validation Question


Wanna Learn

Hello The data validation box has three answers, blank space, Yes, No)
The answer must be either yes or No but they must answer the question. What
do I do so that the question is answered and not skipped? thank you

Dave Peterson

I use an adjacent cell that's formatted in a big, bold, red font.

=if(a1<>"","","<-- Please answer this question")

But why would you allow 3 answers in your data|validation list.

You could just use Yes and No, but it won't stop users from clearing the cell.
But it will stop them from choosing the blank.

Wanna Learn

Thanks Dave
This works fine. I use the blank so when the form is opened this particular
question does not have an answer but for some reason people tend to skip
this question. I have some rows hidden, and depending if the answer Yes or
No then the rows that apply will unhide. I do not want this question to be
skipped. Is this the right way to do it ? Again Thanks

Dave Peterson

You can select that cell and hit the delete key to clear the contents.

Personally, I don't like using space characters to make the cell look empty.

Formulas that depend on that cell need to be cleaned up.

=if(or(a1="",a1=" ",a1=" ", ......
=if(trim(a1)="", ...

to avoid the person who hits the space bar lots of times.

But I would use the adjacent cell with the warning--and even shade (or use
format|conditional formatting) to show that input cell in a different color
until it's filled in.

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