"Must Start On " tasks Critical?


Lisa Graham

I have a project and I have formatted the Gantt so the critical path is
visible (with red bars). In one of the project paths that is not critical,
I have a task with the "Must Start On" constraint. Even though this task is
not on the critical path, the bar is red.

Is this "broken by design"?

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Lisa,

Critical tasks are (MS project definition) tasks with zero Total slack
Since a MSP task cannot move it has no freedom, no slack, and it is
By design, yes, broken? no, IMHO.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620


Just a couple items for clarification on Jan's reply. The default MSP
setting for critical path tasks is indeed "0" Total Slack but this value
can be changed for any given project file by going to Tools/Options and
selecting the Calculation tab. At the bottom of the Options window is a
selection box for modifying the default setting for critical path slack.

Also, I think Jan meant to say that a "Must Start On" task cannot move
instead of a "MSP" task cannot move. It is probably unfortunate that
Project even offers fixed constraints for tasks and I'm sure Jan will
agree. Most constraints, and the "Must Start On" and "Must Finish On",
in particular cause much more grief than they are worth.


Jan De Messemaeker

Sorry. I indeed meant MSO not MSP
Just one touch away on the keyboard...

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620

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