mutiple products per order


Jae Hood

my order management database has an order table with unique order ids(12345-1)
and a customer can order more than one product per order, each new product
goes into an order details subform which is related by the unique order id.

Is there a way of automating the process of numbering the orders like
12345-1 then 12345-2 and 12345-3 and so on for each new product in that same

Thank you!

Allen Browne

Use 2 fields in the subform's table:
OrderID foreign key to Order.OrderID
RecNum Number

In the BeforeUpdate event procedure of the form:
Dim strWhere As String
If Me.NewRecord And Not IsNull(Me.Parent!OrderID) Then
strWhere = "OrderID = " & Me.Parent!OrderID
Me.RecNum = Nz(DMax("RecNum", "OrderDetail, strWhere), 0) + 1
End If

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