MVP Question Excel Changing



A user of one of my spreadsheets started acting up on her. So she sent me
a copy of it.

When I looked at it a couple of the sheet tabs had been renamed.
Example Week 1 was week1, Week 3 was week 3.

Then I started looking at it more carefully and found formulas moved
not changed just moved to different loctions on different sheets. Example
a cell that was supposed to be a link to Week 1 now said the link for
Week 4.

The sheets are locked with out a password so they can be unprotected. But
when they go to another sheet the sheets are then again locked.

Is it possible for excel to do these changes because of some computer
clitch. Or could it be some one was copying and pasting?

Only the visible sheets were changed. The hidden sheets that nobody knows
about were not touched.

The data that was entered was not changed. Just formulas and the sheet
tabs renamed.

Is the computer, software or human intervention?

I don't want to point fingers at someone if it is a computer/software

I am taking precautions by password protecting all the sheets as well as
when opening the files.

This is the first time I have seen this happen. And I am scratching my
head to get some answers.

Chip Pearson


I've never heard of anything like that happening. It sure sounds
like a user problem (or some sort of malicious add-in).

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

Frank Kabel

this sounds more like a human 'intervention'. Can't think of a
technical reason for this behaviour. So maybe your user just played
around with this sheet (and now palys 'innocent'...)

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