MVPs, where are you hiding?


Don Schmidt

Today, I went looking for help on how to add a link on a webpage to open a
window displaying a note to the viewer.

So, I went to my Favorites list, Publisher Website folder and clicked on
"Publisher - Launch a popup window from a hyperlink", a saved link from the
past; destination gone. Same with other links from the site.

OK gang, where are you hiding? I'm in great need to "Publisher - Launch a
popup window from a hyperlink"

In the popup window will be a note that reads something like, "You may
contact the Amerigo Vespucci Lodge by writing to 1234 N 56th Ave,
Itatliantown, WA 99999-1111." Or maybe directing the viewer to call a phone
number or writing to an e-mail address.

Don Schmidt


Thanks for the suggestion but on DavidB's site the pages respond with

<a href="BLOCKED

and then a large blank space. Something isn't coming through.

I'm using IE6 with Windows XP Pro




The formatting is skewed for me too this morning, but if you scroll down the
page you get the rest of the content. If you can't get it, let me know and I
will copy and paste for you.


Mary Sauer

Hi David,
Has David's blog site always had the archive warning?
"Helpful articles on using MS Publisher (specializing in web publications),
written by former MS MVP's of MS Publisher. [this site is no longer maintained,
archived referance only]"


No, this is a recent addition. Not sure when though.


Mary Sauer said:
Hi David,
Has David's blog site always had the archive warning?
"Helpful articles on using MS Publisher (specializing in web
publications), written by former MS MVP's of MS Publisher. [this site is
no longer maintained, archived referance only]"

Mary Sauer MSFT MVP

DavidF said:

The formatting is skewed for me too this morning, but if you scroll down
the page you get the rest of the content. If you can't get it, let me
know and I will copy and paste for you.


Don Schmidt


Please send me the JavaScript; DavidB's page doesn't display it, only some
comments about it. Also, the page is very wide requiring a substantial
horizontal scroll bar.

I'm at

dschmidt AT pacifier DOT com


Vancouver, USA


Here you go:

"Using JavaScript Pop Up windows in a Publisher web
Sometimes it can be useful to display information in a small pre-configured
pop-up window. For example if you had a hyperlink that said "more details"
and that link opened a small pop-up with details related to the primary
windows content.
This should not be confused with the intrusive advertising technique of
"pop-up's", that pop-over or pop-under without the visitor's consent or
prior knowledge.

To launch our window we need to use a small snippet of JavaScript. Publisher
has no built-in support for scripting so you use the HTML Code Fragment
dialog to insert the script.

The HTML Code Fragment dialog is located in the Insert menu, and the dialog
is drawn on the page where it is needed like you do with a text box or
picture frame.

Our snippet of code contains the hyperlink so you will insert the code
fragment on your page where you are wanting the hyperlink to be located.
Simply copy and paste the following code:

<a href="BLOCKED'pagename.htm','windowname_window','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=0,width=400,
height=400');windowname_window.focus()">Link Text Display</a>

Obviously you need a web page that this link is opening, that web page is
what is specified in place of "pagename.htm". Replace the link text display
string with your desired hyperlink text.

You will set the width and height numbers to the pixel sizes you want the
web page to be sized to in the pop-up. If you want the visitor to be able to
resize the window change the resizable variable to 1. If you want scroll
bars to not display set the variable for that to 0. Other common settings
you may want to set are - display toolbar, status bar, menubar - yes is 1,
no is 0.

If you use this snippet more than once on a page you will need to change the
"windowname" in each snippet to enable them to differentiate themselves on
the page."


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