Hi Jim,
Thanks for the clarification
The problem is that the addressblock field
is designed to work only with very specific field names. It doesn't
recognize "Official Title", so won't display it. You have basically two
1) Insert each merge field, one-at-a-time, using the "More items" entry to
get the list of fields
2) Go into "More items", then click "Match fields". Choose a field in the
list on the left that matches "Official Title", then select "Official Title"
from the list on the right. Note that you may need to do some experimenting
until you find the element that will put "Official Title" in the correct
Note that there might not *be* an equivalent you can use. Theoretically, it
would be possible to edit the Addressblock field, but Microsoft doesn't
recommend it and that's a lot more work than using (1).
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jan 24 2003)
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