My Adobe pdf maker files no longer work in Word



They used to be a pain in the neck- and now that I need them to convert word
files to pdf, I get the message "can't find pdf maker files". I've
uninstalled, and reinstalled my Adobe Acrobat, and "repaired" my installation
of MS office, as well as trying out another converter program, but it's the
same. Unfortunately, those adobe acrobat icons are now in my Outlook - where
I don't want them! Please help - I'm working to a deadline and have several
documents to convert to pdf format. Please don't tell me to seek advice from
Adobe - I'm sure MS is the culprit here - perhaps something to do with a
recent office update?

Tom Ferguson

I suppose it is possible that it was a recent Windows or Word update.
However since Acrobat is a widely-used system, unless you have received a
very recent update (or "hot fix") that not many other have yet or your
system is non-typical, one would expect the help boards of Microsoft and
Adobe to explode with queries. Hasn't happened yet. So...

You don't tell us much (anything, actually) about your system or Windows
and Word and Acrobat versions you use. That makes it difficult to make
any suggestions as to possible causes.

As very much a stab in the twilight, de-install Acrobat, de-install
Office. Restart the system. Install Office. Install Acrobat. The sequence
order is important

And it would be worth posting to Adobe's newsgroups as well as here.
Links on

Even if it does turn out to be an Office problem, people there have
experience with the particular programme combination you use.

Let us know.


If you want to use an NNTP news client such as Outlook Express Click on
the link:

This group is


Windows Shell/User

: They used to be a pain in the neck- and now that I need them to convert
: files to pdf, I get the message "can't find pdf maker files". I've
: uninstalled, and reinstalled my Adobe Acrobat, and "repaired" my
: of MS office, as well as trying out another converter program, but it's
: same. Unfortunately, those adobe acrobat icons are now in my Outlook -
: I don't want them! Please help - I'm working to a deadline and have
: documents to convert to pdf format. Please don't tell me to seek
advice from
: Adobe - I'm sure MS is the culprit here - perhaps something to do with
: recent office update?


Try working through the troubleshooting steps in . About two months ago,
you posted a question regarding being unable to save macros to your global template, and I suggested either using the
Shift+File|SaveAll method to force Word to save or modifying the
Windows registry to prevent the Acrobat PDF toolbar from loading. If you
modified the registry, then you should undo the modification.


Thanks -- Well, I suppose now I know not to blame MS Word updates. Probably
something I did with my Outlook, and can't retrace my steps.

BTW, it's Windows XP, MS Office 2003, and Adobe Acrobat Professional 7 --
all of which had been working fine for me.

I appreciated the help with saving the Macros, if by chance I did not say so
at the time.

I guess I will ultimately have to de-install both, in the sequence
suggested. When I tried to repair the MS office, it did a "new" install -
and I had a heck of a time finding my Outlook email messages (before reading
another post on that subject).

I'm still having trouble getting it back the way it was, yet the darn Adobe
pdf maker icons remained after that.
Thanks for your help..... here goes!


forgot to mention, garfield, I did the shift+File SaveAll method with the
macros, I did not get rid of the toolbar at that time -- it has just jumped
ship now that I need it!


No luck. Now, when I uninstalled and reinstalled MS Office Professional
2003, it retained my macros! and toolbar settings. and the same pdf
filemaker error message! No Adobe icons, but Adobe mainbar text (as well as
my Endnote) After that, I worked through all the applicable Adobe
troubleshooting suggestions. Now I need to know how to uninstall Office so I
get a CLEAN reinstall, without the previous settings and registry
manipulations? I will watch this thread, but look for answers/post as well

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