I regularly set up Autocorrect Entries so that with just a few letters I can
set up an long corporate name (e.g. hsc yields HighSpin Consulting). On a
fairly regular basis, chunks of these entries just disappear out of the
'dictionary' and I have to re-enter them. I don't appear to be able to save
Autocorrect entries in a back up file, in fact I can't even identify where
they are saved. It's not lack of use, I used one this morning and it was gone
this afternoon, with the same document still running. Any suggestions to fix
and/or to back up?
set up an long corporate name (e.g. hsc yields HighSpin Consulting). On a
fairly regular basis, chunks of these entries just disappear out of the
'dictionary' and I have to re-enter them. I don't appear to be able to save
Autocorrect entries in a back up file, in fact I can't even identify where
they are saved. It's not lack of use, I used one this morning and it was gone
this afternoon, with the same document still running. Any suggestions to fix
and/or to back up?