My Color Palette Reduced to 13 and will not Reset


Brianne Keating

My color palette reduced to 13 colors and won't reset through the
tools/options/color reset function. I've tried messing with the settings on
my machine, nothing. I've tried looking around for a "reinstall color
palette" for ms excel function. Found a ton of payable plugins, but nothing
free for ms excel. Do I need to reinstall the whole app?

Dave Peterson

What happens when you try resetting the colors--do you get an error message?

Can you open another workbook and then copy the colors from that one?

Is it just a single workbook with the problem or all workbooks?

This is a guess...

If it's all workbooks, have you been playing with any windows setting that would
change the number of colors that can be displayed?

Brianne Keating

Thanks, Dave, for responding so quickly.

I get no error; nothing happens.

It's for all workbooks. It gives me the option to load a color palette from
a different workbook, but they're all the same. I can add colors and replace
the blank cells, but I'd really like to be able to just re-import the color
palette because I have so many documents color-coded and I'd just be

My font colors are okay, no problem there.

I did resize my monitor earlier, but found no problem at that time.

Dave Peterson

Another guess...

Maybe it's a windows setting...

Under Control Panel|Accessibility Options|Display Tab

Is "use high contrast" checked?

If yes, uncheck it.

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