My Combo Boxes are turning black after I select a Different One

  • Thread starter nouveauricheinvestments
  • Start date


I have a form with a series of combo boxes on it and every time I
select a value from a combo box and then that combo box loses focus,
it's turns to black like I can't see the text. I have to select the
value in the combo box again to see what it is. Has anyone ever heard
of that? It is driving me nuts. It doesn't happen all the time
either. Just pretty much most of the time.

Linq Adams via

What version.service pack of Access are you running? Also, what version of

Linq Adams via

Allen Browne has this bug report for v2007:

A combo may display as transparent when focus leaves it. Workaround: set the
AlternateBackColor property of the the (Detail?) Section to something other
than "No Color", e.g. #80000027.

Sounds similar to what you're experiencing. Probably worth the 10 seconds it
would take to try it out.

Good luck!


Allen Browne has this bug report for v2007:

A combo may display as transparent when focus leaves it. Workaround: set the
AlternateBackColor property of the the (Detail?) Section to something other
than "No Color", e.g. #80000027.

Sounds similar to what you're experiencing. Probably worth the 10 seconds it
would take to try it out.

Good luck!

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!

Answers/posts based on Access 2000/2003

Perfect. It worked perfectly. Thank you.

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