my curser disappears on the screen while typing.



I have tried changing keyboards and the mouse (several times) and adjusting
the curser and mouse settings on the control panel. The problem appears in
my email as well as in word documents. I can find no pattern to the
disappearance and it is an awful nuisance as I can be typing away, and if the
curser disspeared from the screen everything is frozen, it does not type
letters, nor can I delete. The curser can also dissapear while I am
deleting, and often the curser will relocate to the beginning of the
document. Ther is a flash on the screen when it disappears. If I left
clicking on the mouse the curser will usually reappear in the same spot it
was last flashing, or it will return to the beginning of the document. I am
wondering if I am freezing/dissapering the curser by accidentally typing a
comand?...I am a fast but sloppy typist...ANY ideas are welcome! This is
making my thesis awfully slow!

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?bmF0dXJlbnV0?=,

I'd say the problem could be a graphics card driver or (more likely) mouse
driver problem. Or maybe a combination. I had a similar sort of problem with a
laptop, many years ago. Never did manage to track it down (I also admit not
trying very hard), but when it happened I usually needed to reboot the machine.

If this is happening only in Word, I'd try updating the graphics card driver
from the manufacturer's website, first.
I have tried changing keyboards and the mouse (several times) and adjusting
the curser and mouse settings on the control panel. The problem appears in
my email as well as in word documents. I can find no pattern to the
disappearance and it is an awful nuisance as I can be typing away, and if the
curser disspeared from the screen everything is frozen, it does not type
letters, nor can I delete. The curser can also dissapear while I am
deleting, and often the curser will relocate to the beginning of the
document. Ther is a flash on the screen when it disappears. If I left
clicking on the mouse the curser will usually reappear in the same spot it
was last flashing, or it will return to the beginning of the document. I am
wondering if I am freezing/dissapering the curser by accidentally typing a

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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