My data entry form.... isn't adding new data?


J. Keggerlord

I created a data entry form for the main table of my database. My
recordsource is the table to which I'm trying to add a new record. My Data
settings for the form Properties are:

Recordsource: tblMainTable
Filter: <blank>
Order by: tblMainTable.RecordNumber
Allow Filters: Yes
Allow Edits: No
Allow Deletions: No
Allow Additions: Yes
Data Entry: Yes
Recordset Type: Dynaset
Record Locks: Edited Record
Fetch Defaults: Yes

What's odd is that it seems some people are able to add records while others
are not. I remember something about "pessimistic record locking" from a
class I took many moons ago. Could that have something to do with why the
information I add to the form doesn't show up in the table? Is there a
better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do? Thanks in advance for any


My guess is that if you set the option of the record locks to 'No Locks'
everyone should be able to add records..


J. Keggerlord

I tried that. However, even when I'm the only one in the database, it's
still not adding the new record. It's almost like it's not going to the
"new" record when the form opens.


Hi J,

I think it would be a good option to create a new form (just for testing)
using the wizard. Just choose the defaults. After the form is created set the
option for data entry to true leaving all the other options the defaults. Now
check to see if the form still won't enter any data. If so than my guess is
that the source for the form isn't updatetable (but you should see that in
the statusbar as soon as you start typing anything).

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