My document won't print the text I selected



I have a very long Word Document (1100+ pages) with chapters broken up into
sections. About a third of the way through, when I try to select text and
choose Print..., selected text, it prints nothing, even though I have text

Even if I copy text from the original document to another document, select
the text and try to print just that text, it won't print anything.

The same thing happens if I try to specify a page number print range to print.

The only way I can print the document after the first third is to print the
entire document. It is almost as if there is a hidden character about a
third of the way through that says "don't print selected text past this
point". If I save the document as text and try to print a specific section,
it works, but then I lose all my formating.

Can anyone help?

Charles Kenyon

I've never used the "print selected text method" but would recommend that
you simply specify a page range in the print dialog.
Charles Kenyon

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The page range feature doesn't work either. I think I've discovered some
weirdness in one of the headers/footers. I was able to do a search and
replace, removing all the section breaks. When I re-applied them manually,
then re-built the headers and footers, all was well.

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