My form on my webpage randomly quit working!!



All of a sudden one day, my form just stopped sending me the data via e-mail.
It had worked fine before. My web host says there is an error in the script
of the form, but since I didn't change anything, I don't know how it randomly
got there. They can't help me since it is on publisher 2003. I am totally
lost as to what to do - this is my business and I need it to work!!! Please
help if you can. The address of my form is I tried
uploading the website again (using http not ftp), and that still didn't fix
it. The submit button is properly formatted, and FPSE are working fine
supposedly. THANK YOU!!!

David Bartosik [MSFT MVP]

Take a moment to note that you posted this inquiry in "programming" (aka VBA
development) instead of in "webdesign" (you made a Publisher web) where it

The fact is, if your site (regardless of what you made it with) just up and
breaks when you haven't touched it, then the web host did something. Most
the time it's inadvertent, and almost always the folks in the support chain
don't have a clue what the folks messing with the servers are doing.

Based on my experience my call would be that they did any of a number of
things that result in blocking FrontPage Server Extensions from sending
mail. A service could have shut down or been shut down, a permission could
have been altered. Your best bet with your host support is to explicitly ask
for a FrontPage Server Extensions support rep and telling them that the
installation of the FPSE on your account is not sending mail. I have
verified (and you can do the same) that FPSE are indeed installed by simply
browsing to

I see in the page code that you are using an address of -
orders[at]reportcardsfromsanta[dot].com - I'd suggest you send some test
mails to that address and from that address to verify the email account is
working properly. Be wise to do this before you do the above recommendation.

When dealing with a host support you are better off not mentioning the word
Publisher. Most hosts freak out when they hear that. That response is out of
ignorance. Just say you are having a FrontPage extensions issue. Which is
true. Publisher uses FPSE just like FrontPage does. Publisher is simply
using FrontPage's technology, plain and simple.

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

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