my " FROM" has somehow changed and it messing up my mail


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Tools->Accounts. Change the display name on the general tab of the account

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

Having searched the archives,
judson <[email protected]> typed:
| outlook 2000 from professional 2000
|| -----Original Message-----
|| and your version is?
|| ||| somehow my "FROM: " reads Judson [[email protected]]
||| INSTEAD OF Judson [[email protected]]
||| I did not make this change and would LOVE some help on how
||| I correct it back to where it used to be
||| .net not .com
|| .


judson said:
somehow my "FROM: " reads Judson [[email protected]]

INSTEAD OF Judson [[email protected]]

I did not make this change and would LOVE some help on how
I correct it back to where it used to be
.net not .com

And what e-mail address is listed in the "E-Mail Address" field in the
e-mail account configured in your Outlook?

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