Sky Warren
Hello to all,
I followed instructions from MVP Sprinks and have set up the tables below
along with relationships. I'm still having trouble bringing data into the
form. The only thing I have working is the Employees part.
I have posted screen shots of portions of what I've done so far. The
Relationships photo contains all the split tables along with the (not sure if
I needed it) original unsplit table.
It can be viewed at this link if anyone cares to comment:
(The following is code provided by MVP Sprinks which I include here for
reference purposes.)
DeptID AutoNumber (PK)
Department Text
EmpID AutoNumber (PK)
LName Text
FName Text
DeptID Number (Foreign Key to Departments--use combo box)
BirthDate Date
CourseID AutoNumber (PK)
Course Text
Since a many-to-many relationship exists between Employees and Courses (many
employees can take the same course, and an employee may take many courses),
you need an intermediate table to represent which employee has taken or needs
to take which courses. Does each employee of a particular department have to
take the same courses? If so, after loading the tables described above, you
could create a DeptCourses table that could insert EmployeeCourse records
based on the department.
EmpCourseID AutoNumber (PK)
EmpID Number (FK to Employees)
CourseID Number (FK to Courses)
Completed Yes/No
CompletionDate Date
Score Number
DeptCourseID AutoNumber (PK)
DeptID Number (FK to Departments)
CourseID Number (FK to Courses)
Then you could have a data entry form based on Employees, with a continuous
subform based on EmployeeCourses. When an employee completed the course,
you could check it off, and update the CompletionDate.
I followed instructions from MVP Sprinks and have set up the tables below
along with relationships. I'm still having trouble bringing data into the
form. The only thing I have working is the Employees part.
I have posted screen shots of portions of what I've done so far. The
Relationships photo contains all the split tables along with the (not sure if
I needed it) original unsplit table.
It can be viewed at this link if anyone cares to comment:
(The following is code provided by MVP Sprinks which I include here for
reference purposes.)
DeptID AutoNumber (PK)
Department Text
EmpID AutoNumber (PK)
LName Text
FName Text
DeptID Number (Foreign Key to Departments--use combo box)
BirthDate Date
CourseID AutoNumber (PK)
Course Text
Since a many-to-many relationship exists between Employees and Courses (many
employees can take the same course, and an employee may take many courses),
you need an intermediate table to represent which employee has taken or needs
to take which courses. Does each employee of a particular department have to
take the same courses? If so, after loading the tables described above, you
could create a DeptCourses table that could insert EmployeeCourse records
based on the department.
EmpCourseID AutoNumber (PK)
EmpID Number (FK to Employees)
CourseID Number (FK to Courses)
Completed Yes/No
CompletionDate Date
Score Number
DeptCourseID AutoNumber (PK)
DeptID Number (FK to Departments)
CourseID Number (FK to Courses)
Then you could have a data entry form based on Employees, with a continuous
subform based on EmployeeCourses. When an employee completed the course,
you could check it off, and update the CompletionDate.