My index has disappeared!



Okay, so a minute ago Bear helped me to delete all the codes for my index.
However, I want to keep the actual index itself cuz the publisher of my book
needs it (and they will paginate it). So I did a find/replace and deleted the
XE codes. The index disappeared - which I thought was ok...I would just go to
a previous copy of the document and grab it there. So I open EVERY COPY of my
document...even WITH the index codes in it and there's no index anymore!
Instead, I get this on the last page:

OK THAT'S TOTALLY WEIRD...when I just pasted the code I'm getting in my
document into this forum THE WHOLE INDEX PRINTED OUT. But if I paste it into
a new Word document, all I get is the code.

Here it is without the curly brackets:

INDEX \h "A" \c "2" \z "1033"

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

In Word 2003 or earlier, click on Tools | Options | View tab | uncheck
the boxes for "All", "Hidden text", and "Field codes" | Print tab |
uncheck the boxes for "Hidden text" and "Field codes" | OK.



garfield-n-odie said:
In Word 2003 or earlier, click on Tools | Options | View tab | uncheck
the boxes for "All", "Hidden text", and "Field codes" | Print tab |
uncheck the boxes for "Hidden text" and "Field codes" | OK.

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