My last time for this problem


Rich D

Hi guys,
sorry to be such a pest but I still have my problem. I designed a table and
form for Bid Log. I have tried every combination I can think of as far as
entering VendorName, in both table and form design, as text, lookup wizard,
and combo box to look up the Vendor Name from Vendors, thAT i CAN THINK OF.
I continue to get this: Upon opening the form, I get a parameter box that
says lookup_combo42.VendorName. I don't know why that's coming up, but if I
just hit OK, it goes into the form. Then, when I try to go to the next
record in forms, I get the message "Value is not valid for this field". If I
click OK, it then goes to the next record, but if I try to go to the next
record, it again gives me that message. I'm at my wits' end. Anynhelp would
be greatly appreciated.


My bwag is that Combo42's row source Select statement is indicating either a
misspelling of VendorName, or the Select statement is looking in the wrong
table for VendorName.

Larry Linson

Could you clarify some specifics? "Every combination I can think of" doesn't
tell us much.

What is your table structure? If you have a Vendor Table, and it has a
Primary Key other than Vendor Name are you storing a Foreign Key to the
Vendor Table in the Bid Log Table, or is there some compelling reason to
store the name (redundant data)? Or, is the Vendor Name the Primary Key to
the Vendor Table and, thus, the Foreign Key you use in the Bid Log Table?

Have you established Relationships between the Tables? If so, specifically
what is the relationship, and joined on what Field?

The table structure, the way you store your data is the key issue in a
relational database. With properly laid-out tables (e.g., "normalized")
other aspects of the database application (e.g., Combo Boxes for selection)
are easier.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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