I get this message whenever Word has been open for a few hours or so,
and Word closes down automatically. But this Mac is the only computer I
have, and there are no other Macs in my household, so I don't know
where the message came from. I have recently moved into a new house and
I think these messages may have started around that same time, so is it
possible that they could be caused by someone in the same neighbourhood
area having a Mac too?
I write a lot in Word and I am really afraid of losing important
and Word closes down automatically. But this Mac is the only computer I
have, and there are no other Macs in my household, so I don't know
where the message came from. I have recently moved into a new house and
I think these messages may have started around that same time, so is it
possible that they could be caused by someone in the same neighbourhood
area having a Mac too?
I write a lot in Word and I am really afraid of losing important