I only want to publish my changed personal webpage.
I have a new PC now with Frontpage 2000 instead of 98.
My old data HD (D-drive) is put in this computer.
On this drive there was also my webpage.
This webpage I publish to its own drive (D
as "webpage-copy"
This MAP I copy completely to my other computer and thats a
small server (ANALOG SIMPLEWEBSERVER) with this PC
connected to the internet everybody can look at it (that
still works)
Now I made some changes in this website and I just want to
publish is as I was used to. BUT... I get a remark that it
can't be published and contact the autor (THAT'S ME!!)
What Go's wrong??????
I never have made a pasword or what so ever.
I can't change it also (item is gry and not accesseble)
On microsoft help pages there's too mutch to read I don't
get it all. Somthing about server extensions (installed it
(2002) and somthing about http administrator via Internet
what the Hell is that good for?
I have also a page running at a I-provider and that still
Thanks for the help
I have a new PC now with Frontpage 2000 instead of 98.
My old data HD (D-drive) is put in this computer.
On this drive there was also my webpage.
This webpage I publish to its own drive (D
This MAP I copy completely to my other computer and thats a
small server (ANALOG SIMPLEWEBSERVER) with this PC
connected to the internet everybody can look at it (that
still works)
Now I made some changes in this website and I just want to
publish is as I was used to. BUT... I get a remark that it
can't be published and contact the autor (THAT'S ME!!)
What Go's wrong??????
I never have made a pasword or what so ever.
I can't change it also (item is gry and not accesseble)
On microsoft help pages there's too mutch to read I don't
get it all. Somthing about server extensions (installed it
(2002) and somthing about http administrator via Internet
what the Hell is that good for?
I have also a page running at a I-provider and that still
Thanks for the help