My OneNote shared session doesn't give me a public address.



Does anyone know how you can fix that. I know when I click on the "Shared
Address Information" it will give me addresses for the network but not for
over the internet.

It gives me this:

Your configuration has provided several possible addresses for the live
sharing session. Participants who are joining your session may need to try
more than one of these addresses.

Session address for participants on the same network:

Session address for participants joining over the Internet:
No public address is available for this live sharing session.
Another session participant may be able to start this session and provide a
public address."

Help is greatly appreciated.

David Olsen

So you are attempting to access Live Sharing while not connected to the
local network?

You or your network administrator will need to:
- provide VPN access so that are connected to the local network; or,
- configure the router to allow you access directly from the internet by
setting up port redirection. This would occur automatically if UPnP was
enabled on your router, but no network admin with any regard for security
ever enables it. Many business grade routers don't have it as a feature.

If the second option is best for you, then check the Live Sharing
configuration on the target computer and change the port setting from
automatic to the port number configured on the router. Menu:
Tools-Options-Live Sharing.

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