My Outlook Calendar



I'm having trouble with the My Outlook Calendar code available at Slipstick.
When Word 2003 attempts to run the macro, I get a run-time error:

Automation Error
The specified module could not be found

Clicking the Debug button shows the bad call to be MY.Show in module Cal.
This seems to be a setup problem specific to my laptop - everything works
fine on another machine here in the office.

I recently decided that I wanted to learn VB and have installed VB2005
Express. I remember reading that some of the changes in VB2005 can break old
code. Have I found an example here? Of course, as a rank beginner, I don't
know where to begin...

Any help would be appreciated,


OK, learned how to step through code!! :)

We do move into form MY, Public Sub userform_initailize - start intializing
variables - and then the error appears at line 939

Set objOutlookNS = objOutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

Plugging away,


So after Googling GetNamespace to see what came up, I tried the alternate
VBScript syntax of GetNamespace... All seems well now!

If anyone that reads this can tell me _why_ my quasi-random flailings worked
though - it would be appreciated.

How about I'm missing a VB runtime library somewhere?


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