I don't think they are being taken off. I have seen the first one in this
thread. Have you set your newsreader to see only unread messages?
I have posted a few messages from this newsreader to this newsgroup
don't know what to think.
I posted the first post last night - I wait till the post appears and
read it. It seemed fine. Comeback this morning and it is not there.
I sorted under my name - not there.
OK something went wrong.
I posted again "Error message previously working program - Added to it -
wrecked it"
Can you see it?
I opened it checked it - fine
10 minutes later opened it again
newsgroup server responded:no such article number in group
Perhaps the article has expired
[email protected]> (427031)
Click here to remove all expired articles
there is another branch of this thread with the same error message.