My Power Point Viewer 2003 will not open slideshow files (.PPS)



What change do I need to make to have my 2003 Power Point Viewer open a Power
oint slide show? It did before I downloaded SP2. Would appreciate help on


Hi Hawkster,

What happens if you try to unistall and then reinstall 2003 PPT Viewer
(after your download of SP2?)




Thanks -- I uninstalled and reinstalled the 2003 viewer as you suggested --
same result -- any other suggestions for me?

Michael Koerner

You may need to re set what program opens the presentation. You can do this
by right clicking on your pps presentation, select properties, and make sure
the opens with points to the PowerPoint viewer.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| Karen
| Thanks -- I uninstalled and reinstalled the 2003 viewer as you
suggested --
| same result -- any other suggestions for me?
| "Karen" wrote:
| > Hi Hawkster,
| >
| > What happens if you try to unistall and then reinstall 2003 PPT Viewer
| > (after your download of SP2?)
| >
| > Karen
| >
| >



I do not have the PP application on my computer, only the viewer. The file
was an email attachment and when I right click there is no properties option.
Do you know if there is another way to solve this problem?

Appreciate the help!

Michael Koerner

Save the attached ppt/pps file to a folder or to your desk top. Then right
click on the ppt/pps file and select properties

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| Michael
| I do not have the PP application on my computer, only the viewer. The
| was an email attachment and when I right click there is no properties
| Do you know if there is another way to solve this problem?
| Appreciate the help!
| "Michael Koerner" wrote:
| > You may need to re set what program opens the presentation. You can do
| > by right clicking on your pps presentation, select properties, and make
| > the opens with points to the PowerPoint viewer.
| >
| > --
| > <>Please post all follow-up questions/replies to the newsgroup<>
| > <><>Email unless specifically requested will not be opened<><>
| > <><><>Do Provide The Version Of PowerPoint You Are Using<><><>
| > <><><>Do Not Post Attachments In This Newsgroup<><><>
| > Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]
| >
| >
| > | > | Karen
| > |
| > | Thanks -- I uninstalled and reinstalled the 2003 viewer as you
| > suggested --
| > | same result -- any other suggestions for me?
| > |
| > | "Karen" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Hi Hawkster,
| > | >
| > | > What happens if you try to unistall and then reinstall 2003 PPT
| > | > (after your download of SP2?)
| > | >
| > | > Karen
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >

Echo S

Ah. That's a big (huge, actually) piece of the puzzle.



Hawkster said:

I do not have the PP application on my computer, only the viewer. The
was an email attachment and when I right click there is no properties
Do you know if there is another way to solve this problem?

Appreciate the help!

Michael Koerner said:
You may need to re set what program opens the presentation. You can do
by right clicking on your pps presentation, select properties, and make
the opens with points to the PowerPoint viewer.

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<><>Email unless specifically requested will not be opened<><>
<><><>Do Provide The Version Of PowerPoint You Are Using<><><>
<><><>Do Not Post Attachments In This Newsgroup<><><>
Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| Karen
| Thanks -- I uninstalled and reinstalled the 2003 viewer as you
suggested --
| same result -- any other suggestions for me?
| "Karen" wrote:
| > Hi Hawkster,
| >
| > What happens if you try to unistall and then reinstall 2003 PPT
| > (after your download of SP2?)
| >
| > Karen
| >
| >

Claudette C

I am having the same problem, I do however have Office 2007 installed,
properties is set to show with ppt viewer. When I select show with ppt
viewer, I get the graphics, photos but not words. This is very strange.

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