My published webpage shows an error on page (syntax)?



I designed several pages with Frontpage 2002 and after
publishing them, I veiw them on the internet and they all
say error on page at the bottom. It states: "Done, but
with errors on page." When I double-click the icon it
states: "Line: 2 Char:29 Error: Syntax error Code: 0

Stefan B Rusynko

You have a JavaScript error
- provide a URL for the page

| I designed several pages with Frontpage 2002 and after
| publishing them, I veiw them on the internet and they all
| say error on page at the bottom. It states: "Done, but
| with errors on page." When I double-click the icon it
| states: "Line: 2 Char:29 Error: Syntax error Code: 0

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