My solution viewing pictures



I have WinXP/SP2, Office 2003 & Radeon 9600 card, I can now see all the
pictures and graphics with my acceleration set in FULL with Direct Draw,
Direct 3D accelerations as well as all coursor and advanced drawing
accelerations enabled. I used to have to turn the acceleration setting to low
in order to see the pictures but some graphics started to come out in slow

After numerous troubleshooted by ATI support with no success and no reply
from Microsoft, my friend went to ATI website and downloaded the
CAT-uninstaller to uninstall all the previous drivers and load the new driver
issued in Jan. At first it didn't seem to work, but somehow it's working now.
There might be a clitch somewhere. I am not sure whether this will work for
everyone, but so far it works for me.

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