My Stationery disappeared



When I create new stationery for a section (using an existing or modified
template provided with OneNote), it saves into a category called "Daily
Calendar." This is the title of a template I downloaded from the
user-provided templates on the MS Office site. I have no "My Stationery"
category (6 categories: Tablet PC, Decorative, Planners, Business, Blank,

Searches performed for "My Stationery": (1) neNote search (entire notebook).
(2) My Computer/ Program Files/ Microsoft Office/ Templates/ 1033/ ONENOTE/
Stationery. The only .one files are Academic, blank, business, decorative,
planners, tabletL, tabletp.

Note: there are 6 categories in OneNote's create stationery page, including
one for Tablet PC, and 7 in the found files, including tabletL and tabletp.



Roan, the KB article doesn't match my files. KB says to go to the templates
folder at <<drive:\ Documents and Settings\u sername\ Application Data\
Microsoft\ Templates>>, create a Temp folder, and move all the .one files to
the temp folder before creating custom stationery to reset the My Stationery

The only file in that templates folder is Normal.wpt. I hesitate to move
that file, as I expected to find stationery files.

The stationery Templates are in C:\Program Files\Microsoft

What next? ###

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)


I'm not quite following. First you said that new stationery you make is
saved into a category called "Daily Calendar", but then you say you only
have the default six categories showing. Did you mean to say that you
actually have seven? (the six default plus "Daily Calendar")

If you see a category in stationery called "Daily Calendar", it means there
must be a *.one file on your machine (in the location the KB article
describes) called "Daily". If you do not see it there, you
might check if you have the right <user> in the path, and that you have
folder options set to show hidden files and folders (just in case).

Chris (MS)


Chris, I apologize for my lack of clarity. My question is which templates
folder to use for the KB work-around to restore the My Stationery category.
The templates folder to which the KB directs me to contains only the
normal.wpt file. The stationery files are in another templates folder.

BACKGROUND: I originally had a My Stationery category, along with Academic,
Blank, etc. Before creating custom stationery, I downloaded a template called
Daily Calendar from the Office Online templates site. But Daily Calendar
replaced My Stationery as a category. Now when I create new custom
stationery, it goes into the Daily Calendar category. (I've since deleted the
Daily Calendar category, but still need My Stationery back.)

KB SOLUTION: There is a known bug (Koan's post and link to KB). To keep the
My Stationery category, you must create custom stationery in it before
downloading any templates. Downloaded templates will then go into My

But the path given in the KB work-around leads to a templates folder
containing only a single file, [normal.wpt] not the stationery files. The
stationery files (,, etc.) are in another template
folder in a different location. So I don't know which template folder to
perform the work-around in. I don't want to mess with the normal.wpt until
I'm certain.

The workaround is to move the files in the template folder to a temp folder,
open ON, create custom stationery, then move files from the temp folder back
to the template folder. Shouldn't I be doing that with the stationery files
instead of the normal.wpt file?

KB Path: <<drive:\ Documents and Settings\username\ Application Data\
Microsoft\ Templates>>

Stationery files path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft

I've searched for all files, including hidden. There is another set of the
six stationery categories in the path: MSOCache\All Usrs\....\S263602.CAB


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