My text disappeared while typing. Where is it?


Grandpa Elmo

While typing my fingers hit a key in the bottom row, like Ctrl or Alt. All
my type disappeared, tho the directory filename still lists 263 kb as the
file size. So I don't think it's all lost, just not visible when I open the
file. It was a big file and the only version I can go back to is about
one-third of the complete file.

Anne Troy

Open the document, Ctrl+A and make the font color black. If that doesn't
work, Ctrl+A, Format-->Font and make sure Hidden is not checked. That's
about all I can think of.
Anne Troy

Suzanne S. Barnhill

More than likely, however, Grandpa pressed Ctrl+A, then wiped out the entire
document with the next key he pressed.

Grandpa Elmo

Anne Troy said:
I figured that probably wasn't the case this time since his file is
267KB---tho it usually is.
Anne Troy

Thanks to Suzanne and Anne. I believe that's probably what happened and the type is gone forever. I'll just have to rework it. I don't usually use the CTRL commands and, with my eyes on my original copy, I didn't see the effect of CTRL+A on the screen and my continued typing wiped it all out.
Thanks again for the help.

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