Sorry, about the subject line.
I am trying to learn how to use the vbscript debugger but do not find the
script help function very helpful. I have learned that the debugger must be
running to use the watch window, but help tells me to "type the name of the
variable I want to watch in the Name column of the window" but I can't seem
to do that. In the vbcode window I can highlight my variable, right click on
it and it allows me to add it to the watch list. In vbscript when I
highlight the variable and right click you can see the words add to watch
list but they are dim (not available). Also, my help menu allows me to
select "Office Assistant" but when the paperclip comes up and I click on it
nothing happens. How do I fix these 2 problems. Can I ask you other
unrelated questions about pages or do I need to post another thread?