Could I get a hand from a gentle person here please, I'm trying to sell an
item, and wanted to show the pictures on my website. Remember, this is the
first time I ever done anything like that, so I thought I did everything
right, but I can't figure out why I don't see the pictures when I look at my
site. All I see is a red x . I also can't figure out how to have the
pictures not so close to each other. If you have a big heart, and feel like
helping an old man with this, I would be very grateful........Peter
Just in case here is the URL, please don't worry, no trick here or a virus
or anything like that.
item, and wanted to show the pictures on my website. Remember, this is the
first time I ever done anything like that, so I thought I did everything
right, but I can't figure out why I don't see the pictures when I look at my
site. All I see is a red x . I also can't figure out how to have the
pictures not so close to each other. If you have a big heart, and feel like
helping an old man with this, I would be very grateful........Peter
Just in case here is the URL, please don't worry, no trick here or a virus
or anything like that.