You have not provided enough information for anyone to offer an
informed suggestion. You can help us to help you by following
the posting tips at and . Possibly one of the
following articles applies to your situation?
• "Word cannot load" error message or Mso.dll error signature
when you start Word 2002 in Windows 2000 or Windows XP
(323219) - Explains that you receive a "Word cannot load" error
message or Mso.dll error signature message when you start Word
2002 on a Windows 2000-based or Windows XP-based computer.
• You receive a "Microsoft Word has encountered a problem and
needs to close" error message when you try to start Word 2000
(326510) - Error signature information appears that may be
similar to the following: App Name App Version Module Name Module
Version -----------------------------------------------------
winword.exe mso9.dll
• You receive a "Microsoft Word has encountered a problem and
needs to close" error message when you try to start Word 2002 or
Word 2003
(286839) - Descirbes a problem that occurs where you receive an
error message when Word starts.
• Part 1 of "Troubleshooting Invalid Page Faults (IPFs) and
Exception Errors" in Word 2000
(236319) - If you click Details , you receive the following error
message: WINWORD caused an invalid page fault in module
Kernel32.dll at <address>. ... When you click Click Here next to
To see what data this error report contains , you see the ModName
listed as Kernel32.dll.
• WD2000: General Protection Fault Pasting into a Table with
Merged Cells Selected
(220459) - GPF in module MSO9.DLL at 015f:308cfad5 -or- GPF in
module WINWORD.EXE at 015f:300b307b To work... ... GPF wd2000
mso9 ms09