My Work Page Error


Gary Zag

I get the following error when I cliclk on the My Work link in PWA 2007.

An unexpected error has occurred.

Web Parts Maintenance Page: If you have permission, you can use this page to
temporarily close Web Parts or remove personal settings. For more
information, contact your site administrator.
Troubleshoot issues with Windows SharePoint Services.

It looks like all other users have the same problem. The My Tasks and My
Timeheets pages work fine. I ran the scripts that I found to check for task
assignment errors and no records are found. Any help?


Frank J.


I had same issue as you can see from an earlier post. I'm doing this from
memory so it may not be perfect.... the way I resolved.

From that error message there was a hyperlink to web parts. I clicked there
and did a reset... all worked fine after that.

I wish I wrote this down and could give you exact directions but I tried so
many different things... nothing worked until I tried this. Which is
interesting... it's almost what the error message is requesting you to do :-(


Gary Zag


Thanks for the reply. I tried that and it does not fix the problem.


Mike Christensen


Thanks for the reply.  I tried that and it does not fix the problem.


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This is usually a corrupted project. Try republishing all projects
that the logged in resource has tasks on, and try again.. Are you
running SP1 (That fixed a lot of My Work page crashing issues)

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