"MyAddin.dll" not a valid Office add-in



I developed an add-in for the FrontPage 2003...

* Put a CommandBarButton.
* Show a "Hello" message box when I click this CommandBarButton.

I wrote the same codes under VS .NET 2003 and VS .NET 2005 in C#
** if use the VS .NET 2003: Everything works fine in FrontPage 2003! very

** if use the VS. NET 2005:
1) Start the FrontPage 2003.
2) My CommandBarButton does not show on the toolbar.
3) I add my add-in from the FrontPage menu: Tool -> Add-in... -> Add...
4) FrontPage show a message box, "C:\MyAddin.dll" is not a valid add-in.

Who can help me? Is the VS .NET 2005 different to the VS .NET 2003?


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