Mysterious Draft behavior


Scott Heath

Perhaps this is all documented somewhere, but I had assumed the Draft folder
was just a parking space for unfinished letters. Instead, it seems to be
stripping off some formatting (specifically indents and <ul> elements), and
appending previous versions.

When I had made several corrections to a two-page letter and then sent it
off, I discovered my 'sent mail' folder now had a twelve-page missive, with
6 earlier versions of the same letter all appended to the final one.

Any idea what happened? Did some preference somewhere get set
unintentionally? I'm off to read the manual again, but I don't recall this
happening before...

OSX 10.4.11, 1GB SDRAM, G4dual 1.42GHz; Entourage/Office 2004, 11.4.0

William Smith

Scott said:
Perhaps this is all documented somewhere, but I had assumed the Draft folder
was just a parking space for unfinished letters. Instead, it seems to be
stripping off some formatting (specifically indents and <ul> elements), and
appending previous versions.

When I had made several corrections to a two-page letter and then sent it
off, I discovered my 'sent mail' folder now had a twelve-page missive, with
6 earlier versions of the same letter all appended to the final one.

Any idea what happened? Did some preference somewhere get set
unintentionally? I'm off to read the manual again, but I don't recall this
happening before...

Hi Scott!

Are you possibly working on an Exchange Server and using Outlook as well?

<ul> tags can't be used when composing Entourage messages. No version of
Entourage today can compose using HTML tags.



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
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Scott Heath

In short, yes. Although I don't use Outlook routinely, I AM working with an
exchange server.

I have one of the few Macs in a PC environment, so all sorts of odd things
happen. I can see how tag-based formatting would be lost in the trip to and
from a Drafts folder on an Exchange server. But my messages do get through
as formatted if I send them directly to the recipient, without parking them
in the Drafts folder along the way.

I didn't put the html tags in, but I assume that's what those buttons on the
format bar do.

I still don't fathom how all the previously saved versions got appended,
though. I'm just watching my messages more carefully now, and adding this
bizarre behavior to my growing list of odd things that can happen.

BTW, thanks so much for responding to my inquiry

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