Mysterious "object has disconnected" error


Sean O

I can't figure this one out. Anytime I call recalc or
press F9 I get the error - "object has disconnected
from its client" Then Access is hung.

More info: When I call:

Private Sub Amount_AfterUpdate()

Forms![AP_NLI]![Credit] = Forms![AP_NLI]!

and get the following error:
Method of 'Recalc'of object Form_AP_PayItems_Sub_ NLI
failed. Err Number: 2147417848.

I took the good advice of someone here and ran the
offending code in the immediate window.

It gives the same error number, but says "The object
invoked has disconnected from its clients"

I have searched this text to no avail. This is one issue
holding up my rollout. (except fighting the runtime
version install)




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