Mystery cell border



I have a very simple table - 2 cells (2 rows, 1 column). The top cell
has a shaded background and the bottom row contains an inline image.
What I want is for the inline image to fill the cell exactly such that
it looks like the top shaded cells is a title to the image.

I used VBA to set the image width to that of the cell its within.
However, upon query the exact dimensions I find that the image is 0.1
points short of the actual cell width (226.75 vs 226.85). Trying to
force the image the exact 0.1 doesn't work. What's curious is if I set
the image width so 226.9, Word actually sets it to 227.25.

So it almost seems like Word is inserting a border that is taking up
extra space. The discrepancy I'm talking about isn't very noticeable in
Word but when I distill the Word document to a pdf there is a very
obvious space around the image.

There's no borders around the cells or the image. The cell margins are
set to 0. The allow specing box is unchecked in the table properties.
The paragraph spacing for the cell is set to 0 and the font is 1pt
Times New Roman.

Where is this mystery setting coming from and can I do anything about



Doug Robbins

Have you set the cell margins to 0?

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Klaus Linke

Might be rounding errors.
0.1 pt is about 0.03 mm... much too small to see.

And if you're inserting a picture, I wouldn't be surprised if Word could not scale it *quite* arbitrarily with arbitrary precision.

DTP programs usually don't even try to achieve such arbitrary precision scaling.
Instead they have you put the picture in a box, and then cut off whatever exceeds that box.



Problem is that whatever adobe distiller does when processing images
and tables this very small difference becomes quite noticeable.

My current plan is actually to set the image smaller than the cell size
and use a fill colour for the cell as the images should be using a
limted colour scheme.

Word doesn' t seem to very effective a 'cutting off' images larger than
the cell size




Highlight the table, choose "table properties," choose the tab that says
"table," then click on the "options" button at the bottom of the dialog box.
Your left and right borders are usually set for 0.08 inches. Change these to
"0" inches and see if that helps. :)

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