Mystery I can't solve!


Dan the Man

I have a Userform that was made up for me by a friend which I use to post
comments in. The form interacts with Excel, and when Excel is open, it calls
up a "Userform" in Word. I'm Using Office XP: Home Edition (Word and Excel
2002) btw.

I was attempting to transfer my spreadsheet with Userform to a friends
computer (she has Vista and Office 2007). When I looked at the VBA coding on
the particular word file, I noticed that the "Forms" file was not there
(under Project), and the Userform we created was nowhere to be found.

I understand the difference between "Project" (which is specific to a
document) and "Normal" (which places the code or in this case Userform
globally throught), and realize that I have to move the Userform we created
from "Project" to "Normal", however the Userform didn't exist when the Word
file was moved from my XP/Office 2003 computer to the Vista/Office 2007 based
computer. I was able to create a "blank" "forms" folder (which the Userform
currently exists in on my computer), but my "created" Userform template does
not seem to want to transfer with the Word file.

I also had attached code (for some of the Userforms functionality) in a
Module that I created, and this too would not transfer between the computer.s

Funny, I moved the same documents to a computer with XP and Office 2003, and
everything (including the Userform template, and module coding) was there,
and all worked well. I had no difficulties. Something about Vista and Office
2007 seem to be working against me.

Any suggestions?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

None of the things that you are talking about should be in the
template. They should all be in another template, a copy of which you then
provide to the other users.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

Danny Boy

I understand that none of the things I was talking about should be in the template. They are in the "project" template, however when I
transfer the documents to a Vista (with Word 2007) computer, there is NOTHING
in the "project" template. I checked back on my computer and they ARE there.
I also got this to work without difficulty on another XP computer when
transfering the same.


Danny Boy

I fixed the problem. I realized that the issue WAS with Word 2007. Apparantly
the security setting which allow for access to the Forms and Modules are (by
default) turned off, and must be readjusted. Once I did that it was simply a
manner of importing the Userform and module code I developed from "Project"
to "Normal", and everything now works just perfectly.


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